First Capital Connect strike ...
"Neil Williams" wrote in message
On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:56:20 -0800 (PST), CJB
But following damning comments from commuters unhappy with the
continuing disruption, the FCC driver, who has requested anonymity for
fear of reprisal, contacted the Herts Advertiser with his take on the
What I want to know is why it's causing short-formings. Is there a
dispute with maintenance staff as well? If not, why don't they just
run everything as 8-car?
When LM have run emergency timetables, the policy has generally been
"everything 12-car" - why can't FCC also manage this to their maximum
of 8?
Neil Williams
Put my first name before the at to reply.
Not a problem to explain
Train prep for 4 cars not 8 cars built into the diagrams not to mention
times allocated to driver 'changing ends' takes longer with 8 vice 4.
'Impact minutes" equals points not prizes.