Extending point-to-point seasons next year
On 7 Dec, 19:48, "solar penguin" wrote:
Out of curiosity, will these be zonal NR-only season tickets? Or will
there only be Travelcards, forcing us to pay for tube/DLR etc. validity
that we don't need. *
Neither - It'll be the same as we already have for singles/returns in
the zones - same tickets, same point-to-point validities, but uniform
pricing based on the zones passed through. So a Gipsy Hill-Croydon
season will cost the same Z3-5 rate as a Barnes-Twickenham season.
This will be less than the Travelcard rate, but I can't find 2010
pricing anywhere.
In fact, Southern already use zonal pricing for their seasons, so a
Gipsy Hill - Sutton season costs exactly the same as what the OP has
and I'm fairly certain is valid via both East and West Croydon and, so
there's very little reason for them not to switch to one.