Publicity about Circle Line going Teacup
Paul Scott wrote on 12 December 2009
10:37:23 ...
MIG wrote:
Today I noticed "Hammersmith via Paddington" on the front, which I
don't remember seeing before.
Presumably this is meant to be relevant east of Liverpool Street, and
I don't know what it offers over "via Kings Cross" except maybe it's
to discourage anyone from heading for Paddington via the lower bit of
the Circle, which won't have changed ...
Allegedly Circle Line trains leaving Hammersmith are supposed
to display 'Circle Line via Aldgate' until Liverpool St
followed by 'Circle Line to Edgware Rd.'
On the return they are supposed to display
'Circle Line via Aldgate' again until Tower Hill
followed by 'Circle Line to Hammersmith'
If that's true, it means that you* can't tell in which direction a
Circle Line train at Edgware Road will depart, as they all display
"Circle Line via Aldgate"!
* well, not you utl people obviously, but a random London visitor
entering from the ticket hall and seeing a "Circle Line via Aldgate"
blind on a train in one of the centre platforms might well be misled
into thinking it was going via Baker Street, as that's the more direct
route to Aldgate.
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)