London Bridge interchange
Does anybody know why - given that both Jubilee Line platforms were of
completely new build, and one of the Northern Line platforms was laterally
resited - the interchange was not made more convenient and accessible.
I've struggled to make the change every day for the last few weeks, walking
on crutches, and there must be about 70-80 stairs to traverse. Why?!?
The non-signposted change - going up an escalator to the Borough High Street
exit, then back down the other one - is more comfortable for those
struggling to walk, though still somewhat unwieldy and at the moment only
possible in one direction due to escalator replacement.
Couldn't they have put the Jubilee at a direct right angle to the Northern
Line, at a slightly lower level and with an equally generous 'island'
between the platforms, then just had a bank of escalators from platform
level to platform level?
And the Northern-Jubilee interchange at Waterloo is no better as an
alternative really.