Desmo Paul wrote on 30 December 2009 07:40:38 ...
I recently heard of a case where the Defendant claimed that it was
routinely possible to park a motorcycle on the centre stand so that
neither wheel touched the ground. As a motorcyclist myself I find it
impossible to believe not least due to the design, centre of gravity,
wear on components, uneven surfaces etc. I just wondered if any
bikers can ever seen such a task accomplished?
You're probably referring to the Wolman case (Wolman v. London Borough
of Islington and City of Westminster - see
http://keycases.parkingandtrafficapp...iv%20823.d oc
Wolman is a barrister who parked his motorbike on the centre stand on
the pavement in Chancery Lane and also at home in Islington. He took
the councils to court on a point of law (wheels not touching the
pavement), and it went to the Court of Appeal. He lost the case, so
don't try the technique yourself!
His evidence said that at Chancery Lane he "parked his motorcycle on its
stand in a . . . recess next to the main pavement and hard up against
railings on the east side of Chancery Lane". It sounds to me as if he
was relying on the railings to stop the bike tipping over, possibly by
jamming a handlebar into the railings.
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)