LUL staff - pay slips
Robin Mayes wrote:
"Kat" wrote in message
Staff Assembly Point or Station Annunciation Point?
Last one is new to me;
It's the 'offical' name for the platform P.A. points
we don't have any of those (do we?) unless it's
that touch-screen thing with which you can frighten smokers in ten
different languages.
You mean those nice new shiny DVAs that allow us to bombard customers
with "Good services are operating" every 2 minutes?
Are you lot trying to beat the record for the largest number of acronyms in
a single thread? So far we've had SAP, HRS/SUTOR, AGR, RVP, HRSAP, LFB,
Reminds me of the Company Announcement from HR (sorry, Personnel) that
announced an appointment to a new post of Director of XYZ (I forget the
actual acronym) without ever explaining what XYZ was. So I e-mailed the HR
Director, saying innocently that I didn't recognise that particular TLA.
And she replied "What's a TLA?"
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)