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I just happened to be looking at Uxbridge on Google Maps and, as you
do, zoomed in to see what had been parked in the sidings.
I thought there were three Metropolitans and a Piccadilly (from
length) till I looked closer and realised that what I thought was
Piccadilly was, in fact, a train of 1983 stock.
I don't know when the photo was taken, but I wonder if it's the one
that Wikipedia says was at South Harrow? Any reason why it would be
moving about?
It's not moving anywhere.
The 83 stock at UXB was moved out ages (years?) ago; you're looking at
an old piccy.
The SHR stock is, I gather, due to be moved 'soon' as they need the
siding space. Paul C might have some more information as he's our
resident 83 stock get-rid-of er

Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
You will find him in London's Docklands, E16, UK
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