South London Line issues [was: ELL Stock in Place]
On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, Mizter T wrote:
(1) London Bridge won't have space to accommodate [the SLL service] as
it'll have fewer terminating platforms as a result of the station's
redevelopment for the Thameslink Programme and won't have the capacity
to accommodate the SLL service - AIUI much of this redevelopment will
happen in tandem with the construction of the Shard skyscraper, because
the developers have to cough up x amount of money to contribute towards
the redevelopment of LB station. (My understanding is that the space
currently occupied by platforms 14-16 will become part of the Shard
development around the base of the tower.)
Huh. Is there somewhere i can read more about this? Will more platforms be
added to replace them? How?
I am become Life, destroyer of worlds