In message
David Hansen wrote:
On Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:08:34 GMT someone who may be
wrote this:-
A full description is required, you may confusing traditionally clothed
muslim women
Such clothing is traditional for women to wear in some areas of the
There is some debate over whether it is religious or cultural. Some
claim it is religious, but others claim it is nothing of the sort. I
am not an Islamic scholar but ISTM that it is more the latter, given
that it is (and has been) only worn in some places, no matter how
predominant Islam is. Non Islamic women are also
"encouraged/persuaded" to wear it in some places, strengthening my
view that it is more cultural than religious.
The subject of such clothing is being hyped by the unacceptable face
of the right wing so I have just one more point to make.
Two other religions also have the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Both of these have passages which can be read in a way that implies
women should be covered up (fairly similar to the ones in Islam if I
understand correctly, passages about modest dress and so on).
Hence my comments about nuns. A nun's habit comes from the same cultural
background as the burka. Islam actually developed from early forms of
Christianity, though not the Roman variety.
However, I have not noticed the unacceptable face of the right wing
having a go at these two religions.
You might want to modify that comment, the right wing indulges in
anti-semitism as much as in islamophobia.
Graeme Wall
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