What Would You Do Women Dressed all in Black?
On 25 Jan, 22:49, SB wrote:
Interesting experience on the Bakelooo Line at the weekend. The
carriage had about 20 people in it, mainly scattered around. At Oxford
Circus two women (sans male escorts) entered one end of the carriage
and sat down. They were dressed all in black - like they do in Iraq /
Iran. They had the real slitty-eyed look. Well quite a few people
looked at them and then at each other and suddenly decided that they
really did not want to be sitting near them, and they moved towards
the other end of the carriage near where I was. Not that that would
have saved them in an emergency. One of two muttered "well you never
know do you?" I got off at Charing Cross, but noticed that by then the
two women had their end of the carriage all to themselves. What would
you have done? SB.
Perhaps they were men.
Anyhow I don't think suicide bombers bomb in pairs.
I would enjoy the space and relax.