How does Oyster prepay charge......
In message , Bob Adams
In message , Kat
What phoning? You'll only need to phone if you have more than one
unresolved journey on your Oyster.
That sounds a lot like phoning to me.
You only have to phone if you have more than one unresolved journey. If
you use the Oyster correctly, that shouldn't happen more than once.
Oysters don't overcharge if used correctly (apart from a few anomalies which
are currently being sorted out.)
An unusual definition of none.
It's not a definition; it's an explanation.
I have been using a monthly travel card for the past five years. I have
had zero stress with it.
Never happened to me.
Never happened to me.
Never happened to me. I have a zones 1 to 6 card anyway.
Which does not answer my original question which was :
Will somebody please explain to me how an Oyster card is an improvement
over a travel card _from a regular commuter passengers point of view_ ?
Why don't you try seeing it from the POV of someone who DOES NOT have a
1 - 6 season ticket; DOES have constant problems with a magnetic ticket
which no matter how many times it's been replaced still fails again
after a few uses (I see lots of these); DO see their tickets swallowed
up by a faulty gate; and DOES have to go through UTS gates to travel?
Nice to see someone back to the usual LUL and LU staff knocking.... I
was starting to worry.
Kat Me, Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.