"Thousands use Oyster incorrectly on London trains"
On Feb 12, 10:52*pm, "Batman55" wrote:
"Mizter T" wrote:
What I was referring to is yellow 'flashes' on the actual stainless
steel box constructions that contain them (which I recall Mr Thant
describing as looking like a school metalworks project!). I've tried
and failed to find a photo to illustrate what I mean, but they are
'decorated' in this manner at some DLR stations, the idea being to
draw passengers' attention towards them.
I've always assumed that Oyster readers are painted grey and hidden in dark
corners for the precise purpose of ensuring people forget to tap in/out.
Tramlink are very fond of placing them at right angles to the movement of
passengers so they become almost invisible.
No need to tap out on Tramlink of course. One of the possible issues
with placement at trams stops is that pax could be coming from all
over - they're not stations and are thus not naturally funnelled
through an entrance. Of course such funnelling does exist to greater
and lesser extents at various tram stops,
Given their importance to so many, they should of course be bright
yellow/orange, larger and placed so you virtually trip over them.