wrote in message
On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 13:36:09 +0000 (UTC)
Martin Petrov wrote:
brand=Docklands&category=news&tBrand=docklands&tCa tegory=znews&itemid=WeED23%
It's the front page story on the physical edition.
I too will be loitering at Canary Wharf longer than I need to
tonight in the hope of spotting one.
One wonders why they didn't go to three car immediately from one car
operation (or at least set up the infrastructure for 3 car) back in
the 90s and save themselves a lot of hassle and money in the long run.
Might I refer you to the similar discussion two months ago?
And, BTW, pretty much all of the newer infrastructure was constructed
with three-car trains in mind. It's only the remaining sections of the
original infrastructure that have needed more work. In some cases, it
was possibly to extend stations to two-car length, but not three-car, so
more work has been needed this time (eg, moving South Quay station,
which wouldn't have been justified when the original train extension