DLR 3 car trains
On 23 Feb, 16:56, MIG wrote:
On 23 Feb, 12:02, Paul Corfield wrote:
I am reliably informed (via an internal notice) that the first 3 car
DLR trains have entered service today. *MIG can now go and conclude
his "3 car" hunting expedition ;-)
Paul C
via Google
Didn't spot one on a very short trip today. *Tomorrow it will have to
be, to see if I can bag one of the blighters for my wall.
I am guessing that they may all be the 07/09 units? *Both weekend test
runs I saw were.
I just missed one (it?) at Bank today. All new units. It seemed to be
having some problems - the next train ran quite slowly and got stopped
at Westferry and then just outside Canary Wharf because the three car
train was making poor progress. Problems with stopping points,
perhaps? It seems they are using different platform positions for the
fronts of the two car and three car trains.