In his blog today, Dave Hill tries to explain the ELL trial service that
should start in early April.
He seems to get his description of the initial service a bit wrong, in that
he has an 8 tph service from Dalston Junction to New Cross Gate, with 4 then
carrying on to New Cross ??? but more interestingly he mentions an early 4
tph service to Crystal Palace, with the West Croydon branch being added
later (at the timetable change) in May.
Has anyone heard any more about the service intentions? Is it possible to
feed 4 tph to Crystal Palace within the existing SN timetable - obviously
the actual times don't have to be the same as those intended in May, but
this hasn't been predicted anywhere else TTBOMK.
BTW, he also suggests a look at London Reconnections, which has a couple of
recent sets of ELL station and depot pictures. Recommended viewing...
Paul S