Heathrow T3 exit time
In message
, at
09:00:11 on Fri, 19 Mar 2010, Mizter T remarked:
The 15 minutes to walk from the Tube station to VCS seems a bit on the
high side, even with luggage.
Must say I'm surprised at the apparent dearth of NatEx coach services
from LHR to VCS in the late evening.
A better strategy might be something like LHR-Milton Keynes-wherever
Though if you're heading to Cambridge, perhaps the train from KX is
the way to go.
The Stansted Express is a coach at night, I think. Then pick up a
Stansted-wherever coach.
Heathrow and Victoria bus station are both places to avoid at all costs.
Planning both of them in one trip is simply masochism.
Roland Perry