National Rail-railcard discounted paper travelcards
On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 05:45:23 -0700 (PDT), Mizter T
Eh?! It's what devolution is *all about* - devolving the decisions for
a wide range of activities to the national bodies in Scotland and
Wales. It makes for better government. I'd have regional assemblies
across England, but that won't happen for a generation now.
It doesn't make for better implementation of any national scheme,
though. The needs for free travel didn't differ between England,
Wales, Scotland or even Northern Ireland. It would therefore have
made sense for it to occur across the UK, or for there to at the very
least be cross validity between the schemes.
And IMO regional assemblies over and above the current Counties are an
utter waste of money, unless you also remove a level of government
(e.g. by abolishing counties themselves and replacing them with
unitary authorities the size of a couple of boroughs).
Neil Williams in Milton Keynes, UK
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