On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 20:49:43 +0000 (UTC) Cast_Iron wrote:
} Matthew Malthouse wrote:
} On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 18:35:30 +0100 Seanie O'Kilfoyle wrote:
} }
} } "CJG" wrote in
} message } ...
} } Rather Ironically the head of London Underground
} leaves on the same day } that the report on L.U's
} pathetic handling of the whole Chancery Lane }
} } I went there the other night
} }
} } How dare they call that station Chancery Lane
} }
} } Nowhere flippin near it
} 177 meters from it.
} But it makes me curious, why did it get named Chancery Lane
} rather than Grey's Inn Road at the foot of which it stands?
} Because "Grey's Inn Road" doesn't exist.
Okay. Gray's Inn Road then.
Sheesh, some people...
Il est important d'être un homme ou une femme en colère; le jour où nous
quitte la colère, ou le désir, c'est cuit. - Barbara