DLR 3 car trains
On 26 Feb, 13:11, MIG wrote:
On 26 Feb, 08:37, Martin Petrov
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 04:17:26 -0800, Mizter T wrote:
I think the more interesting thing to observe has been what has already
happened, i.e. the platform lengthening and how it has been done in
various places.
That, and observing that one has a bit more breathing space on peakDLR
Well yes - South Quay's opening and the dive under at West India Quay are
the things that have impressed me the most.
As a daily Stratford - Canary Wharf traveller, the dive under has made a
big difference to getting through the final part of the journey, though
I'd be interested to know when they're intending to put 3 cars on trains
on that branch too - I know Pudding Mill Lane won't be able to handle
them, but having done all the other stations, I'd be shocked if they
weren't intending to roll them out along that line too?
The other improvement that I'd like to see them do is to bring the 5
minute frequency on that section (at least at peak time) so that there's
always a train waiting in Stratford - as it stands, the train comes into
Stratford every 7-8 mins, and there's a scrum of people to get on board
to get a seat - whereas when they had the 5 min frequency, a train would
come into one platform, and sit there while people got on board, and as
the next one pulled in, that one would pull out.
There was a document, or was it an MR article? which listed all the
stations coded by long from the start, extended and SDO. *I am sure
that the SDO stations included some not on that route.
My impression was that the whole of theDLRis capable of taking the
long trains one way or another, whether or not the service actually
Cutty Sark is an obviously well-know station that couldn't be extended
and they use SDO.
Today the first time I've seen a long one running at the weekend.
It could be just for the London Marathon weekend, but the staff seemed
to think it could be part of preparation for a general extension
(pardon the pun) of the use of long trains in terms of days of week
and times of day.