Summer Timetable
PhilD wrote:
[ added]
this being about the national rail combined timetable - 'NRTT', produced by
Network Rail
It's interesting, too, that table 178 (that includes the new East
London Line services) has separate entries for New Cross Gate and New
Cross Gate Station Ell. Are these not the same station? Certainly as
far as the general travelling public is concerned they are the same,
with no need to distinguish (southbound) a separate platform as a
separate "station". I notice that northbound no trains stop at "New
Cross Gate Station Ell" (unless I've missed one!).
Logically this may have arisen because the southbound ELL platform is on a
separate network to the down slow, as the boundary between the Network Rail
and London Rail infrastructure is further south IIRC - but given the
apparent problems (reported in the thread about summer timetable cuts) with
the NRTT production it may be the sort of formatting problem that would
normally be manually overidden?
What does seem a major problem with NR Table 178 is that they seem to have
ordered it wrongly from left to right, in order of departure times s/b from
London Bridge and Dalston Jn. What should be the case on a timetable with
multiple branches at top and bottom (IYSWIM) is that the trains should be
ordered left to right by their timings through the common part of the route,
in this case just the section from New Cross Gate to Sydenham.
BTW I see SN's new pocket timetable for this route don't show the LO
services, so they have followed the precedent of the current SN
Croydon - Milton Keynes booklet, which only mentions the existence of LO
services as a note in the text .
Paul S