Newsflash: TfL buys out Tube Lines!
On May 8, 6:54*pm, Mizter T wrote:
What does interest me is to what
extent the PPP contractual arrangements remained in place, albeit
perhaps in a vestigial sense, w.r.t. the in-house (LU-owned) Metronet,
as I understand they did.
ex metronet is now ''lu cmo'' (chief maintenance officer) : as far as
performance targets on items such as time to fix faults etc, the same
criteria remain in place but not even wooden dollars are transferred[*] now. The rumours all suggest the metrics were left in place for
cmo to compare with tube lines. How long things will last now is
anyones guess. Maintenance performance will still have to be measured
- it must be - and I for one do think a form of measurement needs to
remain - but how or even if they re-invent the wheel or continue with
the existing mechanism without money transfer I have no idea.
[*] this is an example of the duplicated people working on contracts -
someone from the infraco side has to do their calculation, someone
from the lu side. No need to do that now.