Is this video from London?
On May 11, 9:26*am, (Paul Cummins) wrote:
(Batman55) wrote:
The 020 phone number on the Turkish restaurant is a bit of a
The LT bus stop is also obvious. It's filmed around Fulham.
Iznik's is on Fulham Road but it's really in Brompton (or arguably
'greater Chelsea') but not Fulham itself (the original Iznik's is up
Highbury way though). However earlier in the video we saw the wall
around Buck House from Grosvenor Place, and then Victoria Street
(where the bus stop is visible), that's where the mystery walker is on
the covered pavement bit. Not sure about the park at the end - I
thought it might be St James' Park at first (with the lake on the
left) but I'm not sure of that, not least because that's back east and
the walker has gone west. I don't where the building with the yellow,
green and blue panels is (something in the back of my head says
there's something like that around Holland Park, but I'm not so sure
about that).