the little fare balance screen
On May 21, 4:27*pm, MIG wrote:
On 21 May, 15:54, Mizter T wrote:
On May 21, 2:36*pm, MIG wrote:
One thing I am not clear on: now that there is no different peak fare
for buses, does a bus journey before 0930 get included in the off-peak
cap, or result in, say, £6.80?
A bus journey between 04:30 and 09:30 does *not* get included in any
off-peak cap, despite the fact the bus fare is the same price both
before and after 09:30. (Not just theorising, BTW - my personal
experience confirms this.)
AFAICS it's possible to have two caps in effect at the same time -
e.g. if you make four peak (pre-0930) bus journeys, leading to the bus
cap of £3.90, plus then make enough Tube and/or rail journeys to hit
the off-peak zones 1-6 cap of £7.50 - the total being £11.40, which is
less than the peak z1-6 cap of £14.80.
(Not confirmed by personal experience but I've long intended to try
this out - might be able to jimmy this experiment into a day's
travelling soon actually, if I can face the otherwise totally
pointless peak-time bus hopping that it would necessitate!)
Next question: but presumably if you did four bus journeys before 0930
and four more off peak, there's no peak bus cap, ie you don't pay two
lots of £3.90, because on the bus fare page, there is no mention of
peak at all and £3.90 is a "daily" cap.
Correct - four bus journeys at any time of the day is enough to
trigger the daily bus cap - however if all or some of those bus
journeys would contribute to another cap, then that's what they'd
contribute towards - e.g. one, two or three peak-time bus journeys
would be charged separately from an off-peak cap, if one had made
enough Tube/rail journeys to justify that off-peak cap.
My understanding is that as well as the possibility of two caps being
imposed, during a day relevant journeys might shift from one cap to
another - e.g. say you make three peak time bus journeys, then an off-
peak (post-09:30) bus journey - you'd hit the £3.90 bus cap. If you
then went on to make a number of Tube and/or rail journeys, that off-
peak bus journey would instead contribute towards the off-peak cap and
the peak-time bus journeys would be charged separately. (Again this
isn't something I've actually done, but it's something I keep
intending to do whenever we have a discussion like this!)
The only indication of buses triggering a peak cap is when you hover
over the little question mark in the LU fares page. *There is no
little question mark to hover over in the buses page.
Of course they'd only ever trigger a peak cap if enough Tube or rail
journeys were also made that day - which is I think where you're
coming from on the next point...
So if I do four peak bus journeys, then after 0930 I do one LU journey
and four more bus journeys, I ought to be charged only the one LU fare
plus £3.90, and no subsequent bus journeys would contribute to my off-
peak cap as such (I think that's kind of what you implied by
mentioning LU/rail journeys specifically).
Yes. But do the requisite number of off-peak Tube or rail journeys and
you'd be subject to the relevant off-peak cap, plus the bus cap for
the peak-time bus usage (in practice, in most scenarios this would
simply mean that you were subject to the peak cap, as that'd be less
than off-peak cap + bus cap).
I'm gonna have to put my money where my mouth is and actually confirm
my hypotheses me thinks!