Boris: Crossrail not yet "signed, sealed and delivered" [was: Transport Secretary vows to finish Crossrail]
"E27002" wrote
Temporary was not what I had in mind. When Crossrail eventually
extends to Maidenhead/Reading/wherever, Ealing Broadway would be a
good alternative to Paddington for reversing the "short" diagrams.
Moreover, there is room if the Crossrail platforms replace the
existing Central Line platforms. Failing all else there is always
Greenford I suppose! :-)
There won't be enough Relief Line paths between Paddington and Ealing
Broadway for the whole Crossrail service plus GWML stoppers, even if you
manage to segregate Crossrail trains approaching Ealing Broadway from
freights out of Acton or off the NLL.
Ideally Crossrail will go to Reading, so there will be no remaining GWML
Relief Line stoppers.
And if you banish the Central Line from Ealing Broadway, what provision will
you have for such journeys as Shepherds Bush to Slough - make people use the
H&C and double back via Paddington?