Extended East London Line opens fully today
"Paul Corfield" wrote in message
The ELL did terminate on P4 and then headed for the turnback. Coming
from the west it is not possible to reach platform 1 from what I could
see. I'm not terribly familiar with West Croydon's track layout so I
guess you're saying they could route a ELL train to terminate in P1
rather than sending it through P4 and the turnback?
I'm fairly sure, yes. It definitely makes sense for pax to see predictable
operational procedures, ie LO usually 'straight through' and SN in the bay,
but I think during perturbations we could also see SN using the turnback and
LO in the bay.
I think the central turnback also allows for more than one train length, it
will be interesting to see if ECS moves result in two units arriving in
I'm not keen on the approach to timetables in the new ELL leaflet. A
very odd mix of frequency guide for the "core" section, first and last
trains and then "real" timetable but only from Surrey Quays southwards.
If I was commuting from Sydenham to Shoreditch High Street I would find
the leaflet almost impenetrable in terms of knowing the times that the
trains departed and arrived.
If I'm reading that correctly it also seems to wrongly imply a change might
be necessary at Surrey Quays - which would deter some potential passengers?
Paul S