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Old May 23rd 10, 06:23 PM posted to,uk.railway
MIG MIG is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jun 2004
Posts: 3,154
Default Extended East London Line opens fully today

On 23 May, 18:12, Paul Corfield wrote:
On Sun, 23 May 2010 10:06:29 -0700 (PDT), MIG

On 23 May, 13:04, Paul Corfield wrote:
The ELL did terminate on P4 and then headed for the turnback. Coming
from the west it is not possible to reach platform 1 from what I could
see. I'm not terribly familiar with West Croydon's track layout so I
guess you're saying they could route a ELL train to terminate in P1
rather than sending it through P4 and the turnback?

I was also a bit boggled about the "physical impossibility" comment,
but I infer that you meant that the train was already in the turnback
siding, from which it's then not possible to reach platform 1.

Correct inference.

Obviously trains from the east turn round in platform 1 all the time.

You have to make allowances for us "north of the river people" for whom
the "Southern Region" is still a bit of a mystery.

From that fact that you survived, I assume that you had plenty of
garlic and silver bullets.