On May 25, 9:59*am, Mizter T wrote:
On May 25, 4:47*pm, E27002 wrote:
On May 24, 5:41*am, Mizter T wrote:
On May 24, 12:19*pm, burkey wrote:
The Croxley Link would have relieved a lot of "pain"!
Not going to happen now of course, along with anything else that costs
This I had not heard! *Unbelievable!
I haven't heard anything new re the Croxley Link - but the point is
that this project hadn't been given the go-ahead, so it's rather
unlikely to be given the green light now in the new age of austerity
(even if they did vote a Tory MP in rather than a Labour one like last
OK, my haste to judgment. Let's hope this small but useful extension
survives the cuts.