Euston Overground
On 25 May, 13:55, Tom Anderson wrote:
On Tue, 25 May 2010, lonelytraveller wrote:
On 24 May, 13:53, Tom Anderson wrote:
So let me get this straight: if they reopened York Road, at the cost of
god knows how many hundreds of millions of pounds, then the NLL option
would offer "plenty of decent connections". As opposed to the Euston
option, which costs nothing, and offers plenty of extremely good
connections. Okay, i can agree with that.
You're assuming that that would be the only major reason for opening
York Road - that the cost would be primarily to aid the NLL. It
wouldn't. The biggest commercial construction project in Europe is
happening right next to York Road station.
It's also close enough to King's Cross that that doesn't matter, and the
disbenefit to Picc passengers slowed down by passing through it would
outweigh any benefits that did accrue. Reopening York Road has a negative
benefit-to-cost ratio, so unless there is substantial benefit to the NLL,
it's a non-starter.
That's like claiming putting a stop on the DLR at Canary Wharf is
pointless because its close enough to Poplar.