Post office railway reuse
On Wed, 26 May 2010 12:12:20 +0100
David Cantrell wrote:
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 04:51:32PM -0700, lonelytraveller wrote:
The post office railway is disused.
Why didn't they just widen the tunnels and reuse them for Crossrail,
instead of digging hugely expensive new ones?
The PO railway is such a small gauge (9' diameter tubes) that to widen
them would require almost as much work as boring new tunnels.
Also the stations are a lot shallower than the bulk of the tunnels, with
1:20 inclines either side which would be ... inconvenient.
Sham about the PO railway. You'd think with the traffic problems in london
that any organisation would be falling over themselves to have their own
private tube system to transport their goods instead of relying on trucks
but I guess with the PO cost cutting comes before customer service.