Euston Overground
On 26 May, 08:47, Andy wrote:
On May 26, 8:10*am, Neil *Williams wrote:
On 26 May, 01:34, lonelytraveller
That's like claiming putting a stop on the DLR at Canary Wharf is
pointless because its close enough to Poplar.^
The DLR does have stops that are in any meaningful sense far too close
together - the three at the Canary Wharf complex being good examples
(though not Poplar). *The main reason for this, I'd think, is because
of the massive demand - it reduces the chance of dangerous
The original reason, around Canary Wharf anyway, was due to each
station being on an individual dock, with a long walk around 'on dry
land' and no footbridges.
The "long walk around" is shorter than the walk at Kings Cross between
the Northern Line and Victoria line via the Northern Ticket Hall