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Old May 27th 10, 04:23 PM posted to uk.railway,misc.transport.urban-transit,
amogles amogles is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 32
Default "Crossrail budget may be slashed by a third"

I hope they are almost working out how much more it would cost to
correc these omissions at a later point. Extending platforms on an
existing line or adding a station will cause seemingly endless WCML
style disruptions and overruns. Is this worth it? Or is it just part
of a game to reduce the project to the point that it doesn't make
sense and then either abandon it, or worse still, build it anyway out
of spite just to have a token project that nobody actually uses but
that makes the government look as if it's actually doing something
useful with its money.