Buses taking up 2 lanes
On 27 May, 15:46, Mizter T wrote:
On May 27, 1:19*pm, john wright wrote:
On 27/05/2010 11:30, Mizter T wrote:
On May 27, 9:43 am, *wrote:
On Wed, 26 May 2010 14:36:03 -0700 (PDT), Mizter T wrote:
You sound just like my driving instructor did. Boring.
If your driving instructor was boring, he/she was probably a good driver.
Boring means not taking risks. It means being consistent and predictable.
It means not getting into sticky situations (as you foresaw a potential
problem and avoided it) and keeping within your limits.
Boring. No wonder it takes so long to get anywhere with people like
you on the roads. You gotta push the limits, man.
Fraid it doesn't work like that. Try going at different speeds on a
known journey in traffic and see how your arrival times vary. Then try
the same journey but stopping all the time - e.g. for petrol etc. You'll
soon see what makes the real difference - not speed but time spent not
I stop for nothing. Unless absolutely, unavoidably necessary. Gotta
live in the fast lane man - and *every* lane is the fast lane. No
wonder we're all going nowhere.
In that case I suggest that you'd still be better off using your
mirror: to look out for things that might crash into you. Anyone in
front of you should use their own mirror and get out of your way. No
point you looking at them, because you ain't gonna stop.
And you can check your appearance all the time of course.