Aldwych Station
"Boltar" wrote in message
"John Rowland" wrote in message
Aldwych was closed because the lift was life expired, and the passenger
numbers couldn't justify its replacement. It will never see another
passenger train, unless a huge development occurs around Aldwych which
fund the lift replacement.
No doubt the people who made that decision forgot that the underground is
a public service, not a for profit company
And as with any public service choices have to be made as to where to spend
a limited budget. It is not realistic (and it wasn't so even in the
'good-old-days') that there is a bottomless pit of money to be spent on
public transport.
Considering how close Aldwych is to other tube stations and the good bus
links it has there is little loss to those getting to the area to the
But I guess in this country the bean counters rule.
They always have. Don't forget that most of the London Underground network
(as well as mainline services) were built using private money with the idea
of making a profit. The Aldwych - Holborn link wasn't built as a social