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Old January 19th 04, 04:11 PM posted to
Roland Perry Roland Perry is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Aug 2003
Posts: 10,125
Default Olympic bid transport proposals

In message , Dave Arquati
Every day 500,000 people will visit the Games. The bidding team for
London says more than £17billion is being spent on upgrading
transport links before 2012. It says this will allow about 320,000
people an hour to go in and out of Stratford.

At 1,000 people per tube train (approx 300 seated, 700 standing)
that's the equivalent to an impressive 320 tube trains per hour, or 5
per minute.

There will be faster and more frequent services with 10 trains an
hour between King's Cross and Stratford.

Chickenfeed, even if they manage 1,000 people a train. (3% of the
total above).

I thought this was rather odd too. Maybe they mean 32,000, and are
including ALL modes (buses, CTRL domestics, tube, overground rail, DLR
extension to Int'l, cycling & walking!)

32,000 people an hour won't allow 500,000 a day to visit the games.

I suspect they've added up the capacity of the Central Line (both ways),
DLR, Jubilee both ways, (isn't it going to have an eastern extension by
then?) Eastern Region, busses, CRTL ... as you say.

Meanwhile, reflect on the fact that the current busiest station
(Victoria) handles "only" 250,000 passengers a day.
Roland Perry