Boris on the box
On Fri, 4 Jun 2010 03:56:55 -0700 (PDT)
MIG wrote:
No, it isn't true. Well, he may have made drunken outbursts, but the
"anti-semitic" accusation was rather contrived even if one didn't know
the character. Actually knowing his work makes it totally
Possibly, but it was still an unpleasent and OTT remark.
ridiculous. It was Boris, not Ken, who scuppered the anti-racist
festival in London
Thank god. The unemployed crusty brigade and militant left have enough excuses
for causing a nuisance without giving them another one. And what would it
achieve anyway? Would all the BNP members watching that load of scruffy oiks on
TV suddenly see the error of their ways, hand in their memberships and go buy
Mandela T-shirts? Do me a favour.