2009 stock (again)
I had the dubious "pleasure" of riding on one of these yesterday. I do like
the way that the bum rests at the end of the cars are so high that you can't
actually sit on them without your legs dangling off the floor. You'd probably
need to be about 6'6 before they'd touch the floor. And if you try and sit on
them you find they're not actually quite deep enough anyway and you slowly
slide off again. So you just lean against them leaving a load of wasted space
behind. Genius.
And the doors didn't seem to appreciate people leaning against them. I presume
someone did tell the designers about "rush hour"?
THe ride is smooth and the suspension much better than the 67s but whoever
did the interior design should be pushed off a platform in front of one of
them. Its appalling.