Passing through closed stations.
In message , Charles Ellson
On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 00:41:52 +0100, Clive
In message , simon
On NR lines where LU trains run, their rules
state that it's the normal line speed, unless there's a lower speed
for station limits.
Why should lines within station limits be lower than in the section?
They need to be (exceptionally not generally) at a number of stations
due to deviation of the route from a straight line (e.g. Willesden and
Harrow on the DC line).
Station Limits is nothing to do with stations for passengers but is the
term for the total area controlled by a bobby (signaler) and the line
runs in the most extreme circumstances from the home signal (first under
the bobbies control) to the outermost advanced starter (last under the
bobbies control) from there to the next box is the section or block
section if you prefer, sometimes divided by a signal called an IBS or
Intermediate Block Section signal. I know this is old operations but I
believe still continues on some parts of the system.