Crossrail - Transport Secretary's statement
On Jun 15, 10:10*pm, E27002 wrote:
On Jun 15, 1:36*pm, Roland Perry wrote: In message
, at
13:11:10 on Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Andy remarked:
Well, as Crossrail isn't due to open until 2017 even without delays;
it's most likely that the economy will have sufficiently recovered to
.. have collapsed again. A very silly man said he'd put an end to boom
and bust, but he may just as well have said he'd put an end to
use the capacity that will be provided.
Indeed so. *Economic Activity will ebb flow by its very nature.
Politicians can tweak, and ameliorate, but not change. *One may as
well sit by the sea at Bosham and tell the tide to reverse.
And the underlying trend is still that more capacity will be needed;
so to say that it would be OK to delay completion for longer than the
seven years already planned is not a good idea. Unless, of course, you
can predict better than politicians or economists where we will be in
the economic cycle once the line opens.