Senior Pass acceptance
On Jun 18, 4:48*pm, wrote:
In article , (Roland
Perry) wrote:
In message , at
02:49:23 on Fri, 18 Jun 2010, remarked:
Meanwhile councils like mine have experienced real financial chaos
from this scheme. Not hysteria but reality.
It'll be OK now that your people are in power, presumably?
I doubt it. The pattern of affected councils is pretty all-party but
the changes were brought in by the last government which, to be fair
eventually realised its mistake.
And this government can't be bothered to fix?
They seem to think it's already fixed, I think.
To clarify (because there's the danger of discussing at cross-purposes
here!) I think some changes were made to the way the DfT recompenses
councils for free bus travel, which happened in response to concerns
such as those Colin outlined above. I should add I'm no expert on the