Senior Pass acceptance
On Fri, 18 Jun 2010, Paul Terry wrote:
In message
, Mizter T
To clarify (because there's the danger of discussing at cross-purposes
here!) I think some changes were made to the way the DfT recompenses
councils for free bus travel, which happened in response to concerns
such as those Colin outlined above. I should add I'm no expert on the
One of these days, someone (other than me) is going to realise that
courier services could be offered much more cheaply by the retired
hopping around on their free travel passes than by man+van who has to
pay for van, petrol, insurance, congestion charge etc.
The only difficulty is organising distribution centres - parish tea
rooms might appeal (I'm not being entirely flippant, by the way).
I know a guy who's old enough to have his freedom pass, but still works,
as a consultant. He travels around on his pass, and so doesn't have to
bill for travel. It's probably not a big saving for his clients, given how
much he charges!
When I see a man on a bicycle I have hope for the human race. --
H. G. Wells