Senior Pass acceptance
Graham Harrison wrote
"Paul Terry" wrote
One of these days, someone (other than me) is going to realise that
courier services could be offered much more cheaply by the retired
around on their free travel passes than by man+van who has to pay
for van,
petrol, insurance, congestion charge etc.
At least one travel company in my part of the world advertised for
to deliver tickets up to London and while I can't remember the exact
and I suspect they had to be careful about age discrimination it was
clear they were looking for somebody with some from of rail pass and
I got
the distinct impression they were looking for a senior pass holder.
Which is only 1/3 off.
A rail pensioner with a privilege ticket would be a better selection or
(within the zones) a Freedom pass holder.
I recall a character in a Dick Francis Novel (Driving Force) who IIRC,
was paid rail fare as expenses then hitch-hiked.
Mike D