In message akaUn.10530$NM4.4173@hurricane, at 22:56:22 on Tue, 22 Jun
2010, " remarked:
The Mayor's new cycle hire station at the east end of Southwark Street
looks complete, if anyone's interested.
And TfL leaflets about the hire scheme have started to appear in tube
station leaflet racks. I picked one up this morning.
They have/had something like that in Copenhagen, which I saw. The
bicycles were not in a good way, I might note.
Didn't they have a scheme like that in Paris, and the bicycles simply
I saw one in Lausanne recently, where a chap was assiduously filling up
empty racks from a trailer (I did wonder what the carbon efficiency of
that was in the event he drives a few miles to deliver just one bike...
but no doubt over time it works out.
Here in Brussels they have a scheme, this is a rather jolly advert for
them (I presume):
But I did note a rack outside the Central Station was completely empty
Roland Perry