Massive Disruption at Paddington
On 24/06/2010 10:56, Geoffrey wrote:
On Jun 24, 12:40 am, Tom wrote:
Denis McMahon wrote:
And you know it was "Pikeys" (whatever they are) how exactly?
Denis McMahon
Yes, that annoys me too - what's wrong with 'criminals', 'thieves' or
'anti-social greedy selfish *******s who don't give a toss about
inconveniencing the public'?
Mind you, the latter brings them uncomfortably close to respected
pillars of society like bankers, but there you go, perhaps we need to
differentiate between thieves who look like us and thieves who are a bit
dodgy and foreign, eh?
Anyway, here's hoping the Police nick them before they're all sacked to
pay for the sins of the City, otherwise FGW will be back working on the
Time Interval system before long.
The use of cross-linked polymer insulation would put paid to this
practice - it's expensive, but I guess economies of scale would kick
in if it were used for signalling.
I don't understand.