Kings Cross Main line to Victoria Line?
On Jul 8, 12:52*pm, Roland Perry wrote:
In message
, at
00:33:56 on Thu, 8 Jul 2010, Ganesh Sittampalam
Another thing about Kings Cross - when you go to the old tube ticket
hall, there are signs saying "No entry to Northern Line". *However, if
you go through the barriers and down the escalator to the Victoria
line, there is a sign on the left saying "Northern Line". So despite
what it says, it IS possible to get to the Northern Line via the old
tube ticket hall.
That route involves going through the new set of tunnels associated
with the new ticket hall. It would be significantly longer overall
than just walking to the new ticket hall at the top level, and would
cause massive congestion if significant numbers of people did it.
The shortest route would be to run down the up escalators that go from
near the Piccadilly line to the Northern line, but I don't recommend
that either :-)
What's happened to the short flight of stairs to the Northern Line from
the bottom of the Victoria Line escalators?
That goes to the top of the escalators that are currently all in up/
off mode.
There are also some stairs+tunnel+stairs from near the Piccadilly line
to the southbound Northern line platform, but those are closed off at
the moment.