TfL Rail and Tube panel
On Jul 12, 11:54*pm, Mizter T wrote:
On Jul 12, 11:28*pm, Andy wrote:
On Jul 12, 11:11*pm, Mizter T wrote:
On Jul 12, 8:32*pm, "Paul Scott"
"Paul Corfield" wrote:
Ah the trenchant Mr T Dunning. *Yes his posts can be a bit to the point
can't they? * I'm amazed he hasn't had someone give him a word in his
"shell like" about what he posts.
Must be a very important chap, I gather he put Boris right when he went 'off
message' about Class 378 seating...
Yeah, I saw that too, and also thought much the same thoughts...!
Especially as consultation is apparently OK for important things like
naming lines, but not for the silly things like passengers having the
chance of a seat.
Says the man who seemingly has absolutely no idea how much most NLL
and WLL users prefer the new trains because they can actually get on
them without feeling like they're jammed in like cattle. No Andy,
you're not going to succeed in attaching that misguided snipe on to my
comments at all!
I'm not talking about the current situation, I was talking about
potential plans for fitting some extra seats to what will be at least
four car trains, after the Olympics. Is it really alright for the 4
car class 378s to actually have less seating than the 3 car class 313s
that they have replaced (and which have, correctly in my opinion,
already had some seats removed) ?
And I do use the WLL (and occasionally the NLL) during the peaks, so I
know what a difference the 378s have made. However I can also foresee
a time, when the frequencies finally increase (along with the extra
car) that all that standing space won't be needed. Is it really OK not
to at least consult passengers about this?