TfL Rail and Tube panel
Mizter T wrote:
Especially as consultation is apparently OK for important things like
naming lines, but not for the silly things like passengers having the
chance of a seat.
Says the man who seemingly has absolutely no idea how much most NLL
and WLL users prefer the new trains because they can actually get on
them without feeling like they're jammed in like cattle. No Andy,
you're not going to succeed in attaching that misguided snipe on to my
comments at all!
Having experienced a wedged Richmond-bound 378 arriving at Willesden
Junction 20 minutes down on Saturday evening and emptying/reloading in
the blink of an eye, the trains are extremely well suited to the route.
In fact, I was using them instead of the Tube to get to/from
Marylebone to take advantage of the aircon, which beats a seat any day*.
There were three 172s parked up at the depot, too, DMU fans.
* Particularly days like last week's heatwave