Refurbished Victoria line trains
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 17:30:10 -0000, "Geoff Marshall"
Got on a northbound at Vauxhall this morning, and for the first time noticed
that the 7 seats facnig each other in the middle part of the carriage, have
been altered to match the Jubilee style stock .. ie, there are now onyl 5
seats and a pad to rest your arse on at each end! Allows more standing area
by the doors.
First time i've seen this.. has this just been done, or am I way behind the
Also it had new upholstery on the seats, as i noted a Met line train did the
other day too .. nice new purple patterned material...
I think you are behind the times by several years. One unit was
converted to this format in the two trailer cars as a trial. I think it
is unit 3086 etc but am happy to be corrected. While I can see some
marginal benefit in terms of additional standees I am very grateful they
have not converted any more cars to this format.
I am not aware of any substantive mods that are planned on Vic Line
trains in advance of fleet replacement in a few years time. It is now
commonplace for seat moquette to be cleaned / replaced as the Infracos
respond to the Ambience incentives in the PPP Contract.
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!