HS2 via Heathrow gets thumbs down...
"Neil Williams" wrote in message
On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 21:12:22 +0100, "tim...."
It's this "we have to have the complete solution at day one or we don't
start" attitude that causes everything to be cancelled in this country.
No. We have to have a useful solution from Day 1. A line that stops
somewhere in the suburbs of West London is not a useful solution when
Well I was actually speaking generally not wrt to this plan. But as you
have made some points that I disagree with I will continue
a lot of passengers won't want to use Crossrail (which as a result
will probably end up overcrowded)
But a lot will. A lot of passages don't want to get off a Birmingham train
at "International", but they still all stop there.
but will prefer to take a taxi from
a central London station.
I have to disagree with that view. ISTM that there will be very few
passengers of a public transport system who would "prefer" to add a 70 pound
taxi fare onto the end when a simple interchange to a "metro" system (could)
But I admit my preference is that it should not go ahead.
What should not go ahead? The dog leg to the airport? The station at OOC.