On Fri, 23 Jul 2010, Basil Jet wrote:
Yikes. It's pretty scary-looking from the air, like a huge microorganism
or something.
My guess is that it's a gunge collector upstream of the channels and
tunnels that take the river past Heathrow. The big white patches to the
east of it look like they might be related - spil basins or something? The
section of the collage with the patches is older than the section to the
west (note the PRT track vanishing into thin air where it crosses the
river), so it would be interesting to see how it looks now.
It doesn't look like there are any rights of way nearby, though, so not a
lot of chance to find out the ground truth, sadly.
I drink quarts and cans and bottles and sixes; between the turntables
keep the vodka and the mixes. -- MCA