Does London Underground accept Euros anywhere?
On 25 July, 14:55, Paul Corfield wrote:
On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 06:36:26 -0700 (PDT), Mizter T
A friend has been given quite a lot of Euro coinage that all adds up
to a fair amount whack (n.b. this is not a result of either money
laundering nor theft!), and was pondering on how he might be able to
spend it in London - he's not planning on travelling to Euroland for
some time to come (having just returned from an extended escapade),
and anyway likes to travel light.
Now I've got some vague notion that LU might accept Euros at one or
two central London stations, such as KXSP. I can't however find any
mention of this on the TfL website, and even if it was the case I can
imagine it might be notes only and not coins. Does anyone know
anything more than that?
Yes Euros are accepted at a small number of LU stations. I will need to
do a little digging tomorrow to see how it works and then report back.
I've certainly seen signs to this effect at KXSP. I don't remember
whether they mentioned coins. Whether it is worth taking advantage of
this depends on the exchange rate.